Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Day 2 (Psyche Day) ISSB

Day 2 (Psyche Day)

It will be your second day at ISSB. Indeed the most boring day.
After the Break-Fast you'll be called in a Hall (Johar Hall, Malir).
Now you have to undergo about 5 to 6 Tests, names of these test are listed below :

Intelligence Test (Includes 3 Tests)
Sentence Completion Test (Includes 4 Tests)
Word Association Test
Picture Pointer Story Writing
Story Completion Test
Writing your Merits/Demerits , Bad/Goods

It sounds so simple , but it isn't, these tests take alot of time and mental tolerance, so you should get yourselves prepare for these test.

Details of these Test will be available in the next 3 or 4 Files.

Thank You.

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